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A customized content area pops up on the screen.


import { VPopup } from 'vui-vc-next'

app.component(, VPopup)


v-modeldisplay popup or notBooleanfalse-
has-maskhas mask or notBooleantrue-
mask-closableif the popup will be closed when clicking maskBooleantrue-
positionthe position of popupStringcentercenter, top, bottom, left, right
transitionthe animation effect of popupString-fade, fade-bounce, fade-slide, fade-zoom
slide-up, slide-down, slide-left, slide-right

PopupTitleBar Props

titleThe title of popup title barString--
describeThe description of popup title barString--
ok-textThe confirmation textString-no confirmation button if empty
cancel-textThe cancellation textString-no cancellation button if empty
large-radiusWhether display large radiusBooleanfalse-
only-closeWhether display right close button onlyBooleanfalse-
title-alignThe position of title and descriptionStringcenternote that left and right will hide the left and right buttons respectively

Click upon mask


Popup will be shown


Show popup


Popup will be hiden


Hide popup