A customized content area pops up on the screen.
import { VPopup } from 'vui-vc-next'
app.component(VPopup.name, VPopup)
Popup Props
Props | Description | Type | Default | Note |
v-model | display popup or not | Boolean | false | - |
has-mask | has mask or not | Boolean | true | - |
mask-closable | if the popup will be closed when clicking mask | Boolean | true | - |
position | the position of popup | String | center | center , top , bottom , left , right |
transition | the animation effect of popup | String | - | fade , fade-bounce , fade-slide , fade-zoom slide-up , slide-down , slide-left , slide-right |
PopupTitleBar Props
Props | Description | Type | Default | Note |
title | The title of popup title bar | String | - | - |
describe | The description of popup title bar | String | - | - |
ok-text | The confirmation text | String | - | no confirmation button if empty |
cancel-text | The cancellation text | String | - | no cancellation button if empty |
large-radius | Whether display large radius | Boolean | false | - |
only-close | Whether display right close button only | Boolean | false | - |
title-align | The position of title and description | String | center | note that left and right will hide the left and right buttons respectively |
Popup Events
Click upon mask
Popup will be shown
Show popup
Popup will be hiden
Hide popup